Date: 6 May, 2024

Plus Size Dress Buying Tips

It is great to see retailers like Fashion World offering a far bigger range of plus-size clothing. In particular, dresses. Going shopping for a special occasion or something to wear for your holidays has become a lot easier over the past few years. You just need to follow some basic principles to be able to quickly find and buy the perfect dress for you.

Don’t be afraid to shop online

My first tip is to be open to the idea of shopping online. You get far more choice when you do this. Plus, it makes it far easier to shop around and find the best deal. If you are at all worried about shopping in this way, I suggest you take a look at this post I wrote. It is about buying a prom dress online, but the principles and tips laid out there apply equally to buying all kinds of clothes online. The fact that most retailers provide you with plenty of size information and have a generous returns policy means that if you make the wrong choice you can quickly change your dress.

Re-measure yourself before you go shopping

It is surprising how much you change shape over the course of just a month or two. This happens for several reasons. Changing your eating habits or trying out a different exercise regime can both make a difference to your key measurements. If you have recently started a diet the chances are you will have lost a couple of inches off your bust. But, your waist and hips still measure about what they did before. It only takes a few minutes to re-measure yourself, so there really is no reason not to do it.

Correctly identify your body shape

When you have your up to date measurements, take the time to recheck your body shape. This in-depth article will help you to do so accurately. Once you have done that you will know which dress cuts to focus on when you go shopping. For example, if you know you have an hourglass figure, you can head straight to the wrap dress section. This style of dress emphasises your waist, which will result in a more curvaceous, feminine silhouette.

Reviews what you already own

Before going shopping, take the time to review what you already have in your wardrobe. Doing this gives you a better chance of buying a dress that will fit in well with what you already own. This ensures that you always have plenty of outfit options available.

Get the colour right

Choosing the right colour for you is very important. You need to look for something that suits your skin tone. There is no point in following the latest trends if they leave you looking washed out.

Check the care label

Ideally, you want to buy a dress that is easy to keep looking good. Buying a dry clean only dress is fine if you are only planning to wear it for special occasions. But, it is probably not a good idea if you are buying a dress to wear to work. Even if you can afford the dry cleaning bills, having to go to the dry cleaners every week is not very convenient.  Therefore, for most people, buying a dress that can be machine washed makes more sense.


A mother and lover of all things practical. My blog covers about motherhood by exploring all areas of life. Our tips and tricks help the large community to do more in less time so they can spend time enjoying happy, healthy families.

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