If your credit card information appears on the dark web, your credit can be ruined, and your finances drained quickly.
Hackers can get your data off of unsecured sites and get a hold of your credit card numbers and even create credit cards in your name.
Once this happens, it can be difficult to straighten out. You may spend months trying to fix the financial problems that are caused by these hackers.
You will want to do all that you can to protect yourself and your credit card, such as getting the best vpn for firefox, or your browser of choice, to help encrypt your network and shield your activity from potentially prying eyes. As well as taking appropriate security measures, it is also important to know exactly where you might get hacked so that you avoid these instances.
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Financial Institution Hack
Unfortunately, our financial institutions are not a foolproof way to keep our credit cards and banking information safe.
You will need to make sure that you have a very secure password and multiple security questions to keep people from getting into your account.
It is also a good idea is if you log on to your financial institution from a public device that you exit the browser once you log off.
You also want to make sure that you are only opening your financial institutions somewhere secure. If the site does not say secure, do not try to access your account.
Social Media Hack
Getting hacked on social media is becoming more common. This is because people do not choose a strong enough password.
Hackers can quickly break through a simple password. It is good to have multilevel style passwords. For example, you should have a capital letter, number, and character.
Try to make these random and not something like your dog’s name or your child’s birthday.
It is also a good idea to ensure that you do not log in from multiple devices at one time to help lower your chances of getting hacked.
Purchasing from Non-Secure Sites
One of the more common places to get hacked is from non-secure websites. You want to make sure that the website you get on is following all PCI Compliance laws and has a secure logo sign.
You can check to see if the site is secure on your browser. If the site does not read secure, never enter your credit card or banking information.
Hackers will be able to get this information and put it on the dark web.
Telephone Purchases
In the same way that websites may not be secure, a telephone line can be insecure. It is a good idea to avoid telephone purchases.
Hackers can listen in on the call and get the credit card information or your banking information.
If you want to make a telephone purchase, go on to the company’s website you wish to purchase from and see if they have the option to buy there.
It is a much better way to do your shopping than rely on your telephone line’s safety and security.
Falling for Scams
Scams are quite common and can be done online and over the phone.
Scammers can call and tell you that you won something and they need your credit card information to ship it, or they call and say you have not paid your bill and the need to give them your credit card information.
Some of these calls may sound very official, and you may be concerned that they are real.
For example, a hacker may pose as somebody from your power company.
They may tell you that you failed to pay your bill, and if you do not pay immediately, your power will be cut off. Never listen to these people that call.
They are hackers that are trying to get your information and put it on the dark web. If you are unsure whether or not the person is a hacker, hang up and call your power company.
They will be able to tell you whether or not your bill is paid in full. It is best to hang up on any scammers and just ignore any scam emails that you get.
This will help to ensure that your information is kept off the dark web.
Keeping your financial information safe is imperative to protect yourself. With the growing number of hackers, you are at more risk now than you ever were.
Do the above tips to ensure that you do not have your information spread around on the dark web.
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