Pregnancy is an exciting time especially for a first time mom.
Navigating your way through this time is not always easy and can be challenging at the best of times.
What should you expect?
- Increase in breast size
Early on in your pregnancy you will notice a rather sudden increase in your breast size (up to 3 cup sizes). For some women this can be a welcome addition, for others not so much as your breasts can become sore, heavy and harder to manage.
- Maternity bras
It is important to swap in your regular bras for maternity bras. Maternity bras are designed for comfort and support. Special features such as top stretch in the cup will allow for fluctuation and gradual breast growth. Cotton lining will provide comfort, strong elastics and fabrications will provide superior support.
Maternity bras have come a long way and many brands produce beautiful garments that are a joy to wear.
- Itchy skin
Quite a few women will experience itchy skin, particularly on the breasts and belly region. This is because the skin is stretching and it is tight. Always use good oil or belly butter to keep the skin hydrated and never scratch the skin, as this will only irritate the area and could cause scaring.
- Stretch marks
Stretch marks are mostly hereditary. Some women are lucky enough not to have any, while others scare. There is no cure for stretch marks, however, using a good oil or vitamin B cream can help to reduce the severity of the condition.
Drinking plenty of water and keeping well hydrated can also help.
- Fluid retention
A lot of women will experience some form of fluid retention during their pregnancy. It is advised to drink plenty of water and to rest your body should you suffer from the condition. Should you suffer from swollen ankles, raise your legs to provide relief to your joints.
Always seek professional help from your health care provider.
- Exercise
It is important to remain active throughout your pregnancy. Exercise will help to keep your body strong and will assist in the labor process.
- Eat well
It is particularly important to eat well throughout your pregnancy. The food you consume will not only give you that much needed energy but will also aid in the development of your unborn child.
- Weight gain
Weight gain is perfectly normal during pregnancy. To maintain a healthy weight, eat well and participate in regular exercise.
A women of an average weight before pregnancy should gain between 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy.
Regular checkups are advised throughout your pregnancy to ensure your weight gain is healthy and that the baby is also growing at a normal rate.
- Rest
Never underestimate the power of rest or a nap. Listen to your body and take time out if necessary.
Afternoon naps may work for you or even an earlier bedtime.
As you progress through your pregnancy you may find that sleep becomes more challenging, as your inability to get comfortable, regular toilet visits during the night and anxiety kicks in.
- Regular health care visits
Attend all the necessary health care visits to ensure both you and your growing baby is healthy.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions, as your health care provider is there to help.
Book your antenatal classes early on in your pregnancy as they can fill up fast.
- Hormones
You are likely to feel moody and tired during your pregnancy. This is perfectly normal. Take each day as it comes and try to be more tolerant of others around you.
- Shop
Start shopping early on in your pregnancy. Plan your purchases and borrow where you can. Too many new moms over purchase and end up never using half the things they buy.
Invest in the essentials such as a cot, pushchair, baby carrier, car seat, baby clothes, breast- pump and nursing bras to start.
- Travel
Baby moons are highly desirable at the moment. Should you be traveling aboard, check with the airline regarding their pregnancy flying policy. Also check with your health care provider to ensure you are healthy and a low risk pregnancy.
Always travel with health insurance, should anything unexpected happen.
- Birth plan
Decide on the type of birth you want and the location. It is important to remain flexible, as the best-made plans sometimes do not go according to plan.
- Work
Announce your pregnancy at work and make plans for your exit.
Set expectations early with your boss regarding the period of time you will take off and in what capacity you will be returning to work.
Like many women out there, Tracey Montford is an exceptional multi-tasker! Apart from steering a global business, managing 2 young boys & keeping the clan clean and fed, Tracey still finds time to provide creative inspiration and direction to the exceptional designs of Cake Maternity. From the branding, presentation and delivery, creativity is a big part of what Tracey does so naturally and effectively. Find out more at or catch up with her on social @cakematernity
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